Website Creations

ManageTech can create for it's clients a unique and enticing website presence that will attract new business, while keeping your current customers coming back for more.  ManageTech provides for our clients recommendations for an effective website design that has both realistic budgetary and revenue expectations.  We can identify successful ways on the internet to do business and areas for new client growth. 


ManageTech offers a review of available website hosting platforms, to avoid technology issues with devices the client's target audience use and work with.  After a website's completion, we provide a list of the administrative steps necessary to keep the website operational and suggested internet marketing activities to consistently draw traffic to your website.


Search Engine and Web Presence Optimization:


For this service, ManageTech Synergy does an initial review of the competitive internet marketing activities in our client's industry.  ManageTech will work with our client to improve search engine results on a monthly basis.  We help our client's develop a web marketing calendar with budgetary goals and expected internet traffic results.  ManageTech delivers a quarterly review of search engine results and web activity compared to initial targets.